Free Cooling
Our flagship USP technology, Free Cooling is an eco-ventilation system that works by cooling air in data centres and server rooms using ambient outdoor air. Using natural laws of science, when ambient outdoor air temperature is often cooler than a comms room, our Free Cooling DeltaMasters save up to 95% of energy consumption, plus often negate the need for inefficient and costly air-conditioning units. Reductions in cooler use such as A/C also achieves drastic reductions in data centre power consumption and service/repairs, lowering the energy and maintenance costs for facility owners.
Installed in 35,000 locations
Over 35,000 Free Cooling systems have been successfully installed throughout Europe over the past 25 years, in well-known Telecoms companies such as Orange, Telefonica, and Telenor.
Halved Energy Consumption
As part of an energy consumption reduction project, Telenor implemented Free Cooling in multiple base station sites, meaning that the base stations would be cooled using ambient air.
As the air is taken in and then released again very slowly, it also avoids turbulence, minimises dust and requires smaller filters. The project has already shown that it can halve energy consumption and reduce noise levels. READ MORE on the Swedish Government’s website report.
For more information about reducing power consumption and energy costs in your business using FreeCooling;

Read about some of our Free Cooling Solutions Projects

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